Friday, January 11, 2013


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Nurul Abidah
               One way of measuring overall proficiency is to build a test with a number of components: for example; reading, listening, grammar and vocabulary. The scores on the different components of the test are added together to give an indication of overall proficiency.
               The notion of overall proficiency is directly related to the commonsense idea that someone can be good (quite good or poor) at a language. It makes sense to say that someone is good at a language because performance in one skill is usually a reasonable predictor of performance in another.
*      Reduced redundancy
               Redundancy is when we listen to someone or read something, there is more information available to us than we actually need in order to interpret what is said or written. Reduced is native speakers of a language can cope well when this redundancy. Learners’ overall ability has been estimated by measuring how well they can restore a reduced text to its original form.
*      Varieties of cloze procedure
               In its original form, the cloze procedure reduces redundancy by deleting a number of words in a passage, leaving blanks, and requiring the person taking the test to attempt to replace the original words. The cloze procedure seemed very attractive as a measure of overall proficiency. Cloze test were easy to construct, administer and score.
*      Selected deletion cloze
It used to be fairly agreement now that the cloze procedure cannot be dependent upon automatically to produce reliable and useful tests.
*      Conversational cloze
The conversational cloze passage turned out to be a reasonable predictor of the oral proficiency of overseas students.
*      Advice on creating cloze type passage
a.       The chosen passages should be at a level of difficulty appropriate to the people who are to take the test.
b.      The text should be of a style appropriate to the kind of language ability being tested.
c.       Clear instructions should be devised.
d.      Cloze test score are not directly interpretable. Etc
*      Mini cloze items
It is to get good coverage of the features that we think is relevant, we have to include a number of passages, which is hardly economical.
*      The C-Test

It is really a variety of cloze, which its originators claim is superior to the kind of cloze described above. Instead of whole words, it is the second half of every second word that is deleted.
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*      Dictation
Dictation tests give result similar to those obtained from cloze tests.
*      Mini-partial-dictation items
It determines the limits of what can be tested.
*      Conclusion
There are times when only a general estimate of people’s overall language proficiency is needed and backwash is not a serious consideration. Much kind of ways in doing the test that can increase the level of the candidates and to know the level of the tests itself.   

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