Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Bentuk Progressive menjelaskan tentang kejadian/aktifitas/tindakan yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu tertentu. 
Terdapat 3 tenses yang menggunakan bentuk progressive. 
1. The present continuous tense : kejadian yang berlangsung saat ini (present time)
2. The Past continuous tense : kejadian yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau. 
3. The Future continuous tense : kejadian yang akan dan sedang berlangsung pada waktu tertentu di masa depan. 

Ketiga Tenses ini diajarkan di Sekolah Menengah Pertama di Indonesia untuk kelas 9. 

Untuk mengetahui bagaimana bentuk dari kalimat Progressive/Continuous Tense, mari kita simak Teks percakapan di bawah ini. 

Rio      : Hi, Jay.
Jay       : Hi.
Rio      : I want to go to Mr. Roni’s room. Wanna come with me?
Jay       : Sorry. I am working on my video project. I have to submit this to Mr. Rudi as soon as possible. Could you please ask someone else?
Rio      : I did and some of you are extremely busy. A couple of minutes ago, I met Brian. He was studying mathematics.
Jay       : What’s wrong with that?
Rio      : He hates mathematics actually.
Jay       :  I knew it. That’s why he worries so much about the test. Will he still be studying when we play volleyball this afternoon?
Rio      : He will, I am sure. He is so serious about this.
Jay       : I see. What about Dina? Did you ask her?
Rio      : You knew her very well, right. When I called her this morning, she was still sleeping. So, I can’t ask her to come.
Jay       : Yeah, she likes to sleep all day long.  
Rio      : Hey, do you know where Leo is. I haven’t met him since yesterday.
Jay       : Look at that! That’s him. He is riding a motorcycle.
Rio      : Wow. I can’t believe it. Where did he get that thing?
Jay       : His mother bought it for him. Now, riding a motorcycle is his hobby. I am sure that the day after this, he will be still riding a motorcycle.
Rio      : Yeah, I don’t think I can ask him to go with me.
Jay       : That’s okay.
Can you hear that? What a noise!
Rio      : I think it is the road workers. They are drilling the damaged road.
Jay       : How long have they worked so close to our school?
Rio      : It’s been two days, but they just start drilling a couple of hours ago. And maybe, they will be still drilling the remaining damaged road when we go home after school.
Jay       : Really? It’s so disturbing.
Rio      : I think so. But, just ignore it!
Jay       : Well, I have to go now. I think Mr. Roni is waiting for me.

Rio      : Okay. Good luck. 

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